We are undoubtedly living in strange times. While the global pandemic swings through the globe there is obvious to feel stress about it. If we talk about the current situation than people are losing their jobs, elderly people are losing their lives and rest of the people are requested to stay at home till the time everything get well. Our close friends, family members, neighbors and close buddies all are at the risk of coronavirus.
In these situations people are asked to stay at home and be safe. That’s the only formula is been implemented all around the world to safe your family members. There are number of precautions taken to prevent this virus and thus it is advisably to every person to get lockdown till the time government authorities are not updating any further good news.
Thus at the moment we have come up with top 10 ideas for relieving stress during the home quarantine:
Spend Quality Time working out: Workout is the best options to the people are been affected by the coronavirus and asked to be home quarantine. You can practice number of yoga positions to stay fit and recover fast in this situation. There are other easy exercises that can be performed at home without moving to gym.
Have good quality of food: Eating a quality food can ensure you to stay healthy and fit once the quarantine period is over. So just think that you have to be positive and think positive in every situation. One must intake at least 5-6 liters of water a day, it can be in the any liquid form such as juice, water, milk or as per the doctors prescriptions.
Watch Televisions: For entertainment you can watch televisions, news, comedy shows, TV serials, cooking show etc. Just don’t watch the news again and again because these things will give you more stress. So watch what make you to smile.
Connect with your Family & Friends: Since you are home quarantine than you may or may not get an opportunity to spend quality time with your family and friends. So you can connect with them though video calls, Phone calls, Whatsapp and stay connected with them. If you are staying with your family members than spend this time together, do some house chores work, play with kids and spend the entire lockdown period with love and affections.
Work from Home:  People who have their jobs in hand than they are asked to work from home. You can spend some quality time working and dedicating couple of hours for your office. You could sort end number of things through internet. Isn’t it cool!
Clean your house: These days’ home maids and co-workers are not allowed to move for the work, so you have to take the responsibility of cleaning yourself as well as your home. Thus you can spend some time in cleaning your house and maintaining hygiene with good manners.
Enhance Your Skill Sets: If you have enough time in hand after doing all the above activity than you can participate in your skills sets program which can be conducted online. You can learn online digital marketing certification course sitting at own comfort zone. Learn how to write content and emails for B2B business. You never know that pushing yourself to these things can boost your career and skills too.
Go for Online Shopping: Now you don’t have to worry about your essential commodities and other important things to buy from market. There are number of e-commerce Company who are working and open for their customers. So you can browse the things and this would be delivered on time at your doorstep. But you can only place essentials commodities till the time of lockdown.
Try something new at home: Â Staying at home is not a curse it is a boon for every person who got the opportunity to spend time with your family. So keep learning something new sitting at your own comfort zone such as digital skills, coding skills, cooking skills, meditation etc.
Social Media Platforms: Use your creativity in social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc. You can even go live on these channels and live streaming can help you to reach your audience more precisely. You can share post, enhance brands and reach your prospective audience with these platforms. You can even learn the social media marketing course to understand the magic of these platforms. They help a lot to fascinate the audiences and influence them in an effective manner.
Hope the above the points help you to spend quality time so stay at home and be safe!